Historic Braunston Stop House set to go under the hammer

We’re seeking a buyer for Grade II Listed building, protecting it for future generations.

A charming piece of the nation’s canal heritage is set to go under the hammer to put The Stop House at Braunston on the market for sale.

Breathing new life into the property

We are set to sell the building via auction, breathing new life into the Grade II Listed property and generating income to support the ongoing care of the nation’s historic waterways.

After our comprehensive search for a tenant proved unsuccessful, the Stop House is being auctioned at the end of July with a guide price of £220,000.

The building is currently vacant and has been empty for several years. We have spent the past two years trying to secure a tenant without success, and with very little interest from potential occupiers.

With the Stop House being vacant for over two years its condition is deteriorating, and the sale will enable greater investment in maintenance of the building, as has been seen with other historic properties along the canal network. As the Stop House is Grade II listed, a new owner will have to abide by the heritage conservation protections in place to safeguard a building of this type.

Protecting our network

With costs of caring for our ageing canal network increasing, the proceeds of the sale will help us in our work to protect our historic waterway network for future generations. The money generated from the sale of properties such as the Stop House is reinvested into other income-generating investments to help provide the year-after-year income which is needed to help with the ongoing maintenance and repair of the nation’s historic canals and river navigations.

A fantastic opportunity

Linny Beaumont, our regional director in the East Midlands, said: “At the very heart of the nation’s canal network, this is a fantastic opportunity to own one of the canal network’s most cherished buildings and play a part in protecting it for future generations.

“There are some wonderful examples across the canal network of historic properties being beautifully restored in private ownership and we think, with the right owner, the Stop House has fantastic potential. The sale will also generate important income that can be used to support the vital maintenance work on our historic canals.”

The online auction will take place on 25 July and more details can be found their website..

As part of the sale a section of garden is being retained by us for use by patrons of the Gongoozlers Rest café boat.

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