Divers carry out inspections on Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal

Divers have taken to the water of the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal as we carry out inspections of safety gates at Llanfoist Embankment.

The inspection

The embankment, which is located between the picturesque Llanfoist Wharf and Govilon Wharf, features two sets of safety gates which are used for maintenance and protection of the canal. Glandŵr Cymru has undertaken the inspection ahead of planned winter works on this section of the canal.

Instead of draining the canal, a specialist dive team from Sea Lift Diving took to the water to inspect the gates and to survey and measure them. This helped minimise disruption for boaters, as the navigation didn’t have to be dammed and drained.

Using the results of the inspection, we will be manufacturing new safety gates at its workshop. These will be installed during our winter works programme as part of the ongoing maintenance and renewal of canal infrastructure.

Meeting the challenge of climate change

Lee Brain, our area operations manager, said: “The Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal is over 200 years old so it’s vital that we carry out inspections and make improvements to secure its future. Llanfoist Embankment is one of many beautiful spots on the canal and is in daily use by boaters, so it’s a priority that any work that takes place is done quickly. Using divers helps with this and is also a cost-effective alternative to draining the canal.

“The canal is a remarkable piece of engineering, but time is taking its toll, combined with the increase in extreme weather caused by climate change. We are doing all we can to meet the challenge, but we need help. We are calling on people to support Glandŵr Cymru and help keep canals alive for today’s boaters, the local communities they run through, and for future generations.”

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