The extended bimini

 0:20 – Do you have one of these bags? If you do, you are in luck. This is one of the greatest options Supra has ever offered. It’s one of the most underrated options we have, and it is the full sun shade. This thing is awesome. I’m going to show you how to put this thing up. It’s super simple and it makes it so the entire boat has shade. One of the best options that we have. Let’s go ahead and put this thing together.


0:30 – You got two poles here in the back. They slide right into the back. So you got one there, one right there. Then you just pull your shade out. It’s actually super easy to tell how this thing goes together. You got a nice orange tag; it goes down. These clip onto each side of your Bimini top right here. So you got one there, one on this side. And then you just bring it back and hook it onto your poles. Now you’re chilling in the shade. This is literally like the greatest thing in the world for a hot sunny day. I’m telling you, this shade is the best. It’s 100° outside right now and I was sitting up here doing another video before we put this shade up, and I regret that we didn’t have the shade up when we did the other video. Now that we got this up, I can sit up here all day.


1:38 – As you can see, we also got the bow shade up as well. It goes in the bow and in the back. It works in the exact same way. You can tell which bag is the bow and which one is the back. The bow has four poles instead of two, and it’s super easy. It’s the exact same way that you put it together, you just got four poles.

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